Thursday, May 7, 2015

Summer Shindig

It's summer here in the Philippines. What we usually mean by summer is that school is out. We don't really use the word summer as a season because we are a tropical country which means that we get summer all year round.

With that being said, it means a lot of beach times on weekends. All work and no play makes one sad pony. 

So here's Lucas on one of the weekends here in the Philippines. 

The sunset is always the best!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

French Connection

Lucas Soetaert, French guy who loves to cuddle babies and spends most of his time in the NICU. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Bidding Goodbye to the Swedish Girls

As your days of traveling in the Philippines almost come to an end, allow me to thank you for the month of experience being with you guys. It has been an amazing journey. From our little chitchats in the hospital to our endless talks at barbecue plaza. Have a safe flight back home. Hope to see you soon. @sanneswahn and @kaisasorensen