Thursday, February 5, 2015

Cannulating Friday

As what people say, practice makes perfect. So we practice on each other. We have a great and painful way of ending our day.

Health Promotion Campaign School Sessions

Tahnee (Australia) Presenting the Eat Well Plate

Margot (Netherlands) raising her hand when asked about drinking alcohol.

Yesterday we went to Northern Cebu Colleges to have a room-to-room campaign to all the students. We managed to do 8 classrooms and the response were remarkable.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Pre Entry Phase of Health Promotion Campaign

So today, we went to Cebu Normal University to ask permission from the dean to allow us to have a room to room campaign about Health Promotion. Getting there took us around 30 minutes from the office. As you can see, the photos above is the very colorful school and the backs of Margot, Madeleine, and Sarah

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Laboratory Works with Jakob and Freya

Jakob and Freya (both from Denmark) spent a lot of time in the Laboratory. They are trusted to printout the results of some blood works and chemistry so that staffs can do other important things.

Daily Routine

Part of our daily routine is taking of vital signs in the ward. The ward was supposed to accommodate 50 patients in Obstetrics, Medical Female and Male wards and Pediatrics ward but on some days the hospital census would reach up to 100-120 patients. It is our great pleasure to help the staff in taking vital signs in all of the patients so that they could do other things like writing the journals and preparing of medications.