Saturday, September 5, 2015
She is a Joy to be with
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Major Life Goals
I am so lucky to be a part of such an amazing organization. With Projects Abroad, I am able to be a part of completing someone's life goals. I have seen/heard it a lot of times. I have seen volunteers smiling from ear to ear as they are ticking one of their life goals.
I have learned that you only achieve your goals when you are out of your comfort zone. The same with life, it only begins when you go out there, we call it experience. Seeing and being a part of someone giving birth is truly an amazing experience.
Friday, August 14, 2015
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Carina Sola from Norway

I look so chaka here.
I can't believe 6 weeks is already over and that I'm going back home again today. It's been some interesting, tough, sad but amazing weeks where I've learned a lot about myself, other cultures, languages and of course medical related things. I've gone from saying congratulations to the mom after giving birth to give my condolences to another dad because his premature baby didn't survive. I've lived with and been a part of an amazing family that I'm going to miss a lot, I've eaten multiple kilos of rice and fried food and I've gotten used to having the rooster outside the window as my alarm in the morning. I've swam with whalesharks, seen dolphins out in the free, fed monkeys, done zip lining, snorkeling and so much more. I've gone outside my comfort zone more that once and I'm 100% sure that I'm coming home as a better person that I was before I left. I've seen some sad and frustrating situations that I'm never gonna forget but they have also put things into perspective and I guess that's a good thing - to see how the world actually is. It's easy to say that people around the world are struggling more than we do, but it's something else when you actually see it with your own eyes. It made me realize more than ever that Norwegians and people from well developed countries in general are a bunch of bitter, selfish and spoiled humans that takes a lot for granted. It's depressing to know that experiences like this is what it takes to learn appreciating how amazing Norway actually is and how lucky we are.
This experience and these 6 weeks has been the best time of my life and I am so happy that I had the opportunity to do it. I wish I had everything on tape to show everyone every aspects of the trip and not only the paradise everyone associate with the Philippines. I've spent the last weekend the best way possible with some amazing people at Bohol where we without doubt saw paradise around virgin island. I'm already looking forward to our reunion(s) and I recommend everyone I know to do a similar trip that we've done. It doesn't take a lot and the smallest things like buying lacking equipment to the hospital or just giving input to new ideas does make a big difference. Sometimes it's enough to just be present, and knowing that you're making someone's life better is a feeling that I'm sure never gets old. Thank you to everyone who made this trip unforgettable, you are amazing each and every one of you and I'm very lucky and happy that I got to know you. See you all in December!
Monday, July 20, 2015
How to Use the Incubators
The Pink Unicorns
The Lecture on How to Use the Incubators
One more achievement for the team. It was done last Thursday. The hospital had some machines that we barely even know how to operate. Darius, Carina, and Yurika held a lecture on how to use it. It was even attended not just by the staff and volunteers but also with the Chief Nurse and the Chief of Hospital. Now we can put them to use. Sunday, July 12, 2015
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Mid-Week Burnt Out
Stressed from the days' work and you feel like you just want to go somewhere and chill? Well I've got the best place for you. This place is called Hagnaya Beach Resort. The perfect place to have an alone time and just relax. Just 30 minutes from Bogo City so you can just sneak right back in a snap.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Right of Passage
It has been a painful week for us. A lot of poking needles to our bodies. We have been practicing how to properly give medications to the following routes IM ID AND SUBCU. Hans (Philippines) and Hikari (Singapore) were doing it on each other. I taught it to them that way because that's how I learned it when I was in UNI. It also better to practice on each other so that they could relate to pain the patient will feel if we do an injection.
No pain No gain as what they say!
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
The Great Exchange
Hannah (Wales) anxious about what's gonna happen. Lucas (France) more than excited. Hugo (Canada) the pressure is on you..
I am the most difficult patient you will ever encounter.
Hugo is teaching Hannah how to properly suture.
I just want to give a big shoutout to all the Lefties out there. Yep, we are lefities and we do things differently.
I believe that knowledge is infinite. There is no limit into how much you can learn. I am also learning from you guys.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Summer Shindig
It's summer here in the Philippines. What we usually mean by summer is that school is out. We don't really use the word summer as a season because we are a tropical country which means that we get summer all year round.
With that being said, it means a lot of beach times on weekends. All work and no play makes one sad pony.
So here's Lucas on one of the weekends here in the Philippines.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Bidding Goodbye to the Swedish Girls
As your days of traveling in the Philippines almost come to an end, allow me to thank you for the month of experience being with you guys. It has been an amazing journey. From our little chitchats in the hospital to our endless talks at barbecue plaza. Have a safe flight back home. Hope to see you soon. @sanneswahn and @kaisasorensen
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
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